Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

I got to thinking about how important having a niche is when it comes to blogging – I never really set out to be a one trick pony when it came to my blog, but I realised that my own vision for my blog, isn’t necessarily what everyone else might see. For instance, I’d love to make more travel content, and I love to discuss beauty too – but you wouldn’t really gage that from a quick scan through my content. I realised that it’s very easy to pigeon hole yourself when it comes to expressing yourself online, but that shouldn’t stop us from evolving and trying new things…

 It’s the ugly truth, but to travel a lot means to have the means to do so in the first place – before you get noticed by travel companies or tourist boards, you have to lure them in with some kind of shiny content. It’s an issue that I’ve faced when it’s come to certain projects – I find that I don’t have much to put forwards in terms of impressive travel guides, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be capable. It’s difficult to spread yourself into all the aspects of blogging that you find interesting, whilst also making yourself relevant enough to secure paid projects. Blogging is a minefield, and you’ll hear a lot of what to do and what not do to in terms of getting yourself out there and getting your blog noticed.

I think I’m starting to learn that there really isn’t one correct way of getting your blog off the ground, and most of us are just winging it as we go along…

The obvious questions most people are faced with when it comes to starting a blog are often along the lines of…

What’s my niche? What will I write about? What do I have to offer that isn’t already out there?

I’m going to throw it right out there and say I don’t think having a niche is important. Share stories, share advice, share what you had for breakfast last Thursday. So long as you are engaging people in some way, having a niche shouldn’t be on the agenda.

On the whole, I find that I’m recognised for primarily fashion based content, but that doesn’t mean that my blog won’t take different twists and turns in the future. If you are able to connect with the people that are kind enough to invest time in you and your work, having a niche is not a concern that should take up any of your time. Parenthood/family blogs are a great example of this – we see bloggers become parents for the first time, and as their lives change, so does the content that they put out into the world. That’s not to say that if you have a baby, you automatically have to start blogging about all things motherhood, but it’s oddly comforting to know that people are generally accepting of change. In fact, they want to see you grow as a person and follow along on your adventures with you – I know that’s the reason I invest my time in people I’m drawn to in the online world anyway. The people that inspire me to live a better lifestyle, have more confidence in myself, and generally just to get out there and make the best out of the opportunity we have…  

Chances are, if people are choosing to follow you, they are invested in you as a person and what you portray online. Therefore, anything that you turn your hand to will be appreciated by most. I know that there are people who follow me who couldn’t care less about beauty posts, but I still love writing them anyway. Write the content that excites you, and try not to get side tracked by things like having a niche and ‘having a place’ within the industry. I’m still not exactly sure where I fit in, and my blog is almost two years old. It’s not stopped me from having opportunities, and it’s not stopped me from wanting to experiment as the months roll by. The point is not to dwell on what we should be doing – it’s stunts creativity, and half the time, just tricks us into thinking we need to be like everyone else. There’s room for everyone, there’s room for improvement, and there’s definitely room for us to move away from the idea that we all need a niche to get along…  


Alice x

Photographs by Adriana 

Jumper c/o – And Other Stories (similar here

Trousers – Beyond Retro (similar here & here)

Sandals – Joseph

Bag – vintage (similar here & here)


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  1. Manon says:

    Would love to see any kind of content you wish to pt out there !
    The most interesting content is the one you are happy to put out there for me !

  2. Natali says:

    Totally obsessed with your cute and unique style! Perfect culottes and mini bag. 🙂

  3. Ella says:

    This has LITERALLY stunted me from sticking to a blog over the years, and has down-right stopped me from starting one back up; no matter how much I have waned to over the past year.
    I have been convinced that I have “too many interests” and that I would never be able to find an audience.. That I should just stick to one thing…
    This post was honestly like a breath of fresh air to me !!
    If I am interested in something, I should write about it. DUH.
    And I am sure lots of other people out there have similar interests to me too…

    I always love your blog for posts like this.
    I would love to read a post about your 2 years in blogging and how you’ve managed to get involved in so many brilliant collabs and opportunities!

    Keep on keepin’ it real, girl ?☺️

    1. alicecatherine says:

      They definitely would, definitely don’t get distracted about where you fit in! And that’s a great idea for a post, I’m never too sure how interested people are in that kind of thing, but I’ll think about putting something together – maybe when my blog reaches it’s two year birthday ha xx

  4. Anna says:

    I love how honest all your blog posts are but this one is really spot on! I’ve been blogging on and off for most of my adult like for funsies, and recently jumped back in. I’m using it as an online progress journal on my health and skin issues and also as a way for me to vent as bottling all the negative up isn’t good for anyone and channeling it into something creative is a good release for me. You’re absolutely right in the very last line of this post. Much love Alice! ❤️

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you – this is such an encouraging comment 🙂 xx

  5. Rameen says:

    Really, really needed to hear this! I started blogging for fun and even though it’s for myself, I always worry about trying to find my niche or have something worth posting about, when in reality it really doesn’t matter. That’s the best part about blogs and I think we forget that because of way the blogging world is portrayed. Always love reading your thoughts! xx.

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thanks lovely! And just write about whatever you’re most passionate about – that should always be the driving force xx

  6. Eva says:

    Please, share whatever you need to share here. After all, it’s your blog and if you feel like posting travel stuff or anything, then you should. And I’d be happy to see new content here, as always.


    1. alicecatherine says:

      Of course I will! I’ve always posted whatever I want, and will continue to do 🙂 xx

  7. mutzii says:

    i agree! i’ve had same concerns when i started blogging but now i write what i feel like writing. good points!

  8. Charlotte says:

    I loved blogs when people just used them to discuss everday life, anything that was on their mind, and it didn’t have to be the most innovative thing in the world or fit into a certain niche. So many bloggers nowadays only blog about the act of blogging. And vloggers only seem to vlog about filming/editing other vlogs. I miss when they had a bit more reality (non-blog-related life) in them, but I guess that’s a side effect of blogging becoming an industry. Please do continue to write about a range of topics and whatever you like!

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Me too! But I also find industry topics interesting too – I think it’s because it’s become so popular now and everyone is taking more of an interest in how the job works and how people earn their money etc. You’re right though, it shouldn’t all be about the act of blogging bit more so the person behind the blog xx

  9. Izikova says:

    Writing a blog is much more complicated than I expected… I’m still changing my mind about how should it look like. You right, maybe a niche isn’t the most important thing.

  10. Summer R says:

    Couldn’t agree more! I used to worry about this with my blog several years ago. Now I juggle fashion, travel & film/tv/theatre content and couldn’t be happier – sticking to a niche is so restricting and at the end of the day it’s all about creating engaging content that you are happy with! I would love to see beauty and travel content on here x


  11. stephanie says:

    I LOVE THIS!! & needed this!! Thank you Alice:))

  12. Holly White says:

    “I think I’m starting to learn that there really isn’t one correct way of getting your blog off the ground, and most of us are just winging it as we go along…” – GOSH THIS IS SO TRUE! haha.

    I also don’t think you need a niche! I’ve found people are definitely more invested in me as an individual rather than my style or choice of content!xxx

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