Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

I’ve realised that anything made from light and flowy material, is where my safe spot tends to lie during the summer months. If I feel too restricted by an outfit, then I sure as hell ain’t having much fun in it. Dressing for the warmer weather should all be about ease, and I’m all for a midi slip dress that conceals my usually bruised legs – maybe even a patch of hair that my razor has missed. I never truly feel that I’m anywhere close to being summer ready, in fact, I’m not entirely sure what ‘summer ready‘ even means…

I guess it’s one of those weird industry terms that the media has helped stick around and latch on like some sort of parasite. One of those terms akin to the dreaded bikini body, or being beach ready – all marketing strategies designed to make us feel bad about ourselves, and buy things we probably don’t need. We all find ourselves falling victim to it at some point – I’m definitely guilty of feeling the pressure to be bronzed and toned whenever swimwear is mentioned. The reality is this: all bodies are beach bodies, and all bodies are entitled to feel the sun on their skin without feeling shame… 

I’m nowhere near as toned as I was this time last year – my limbs wobble a little bit more, and my appetite is way healthier than it was. I’m happy, that’s usually the way it tends to go. I try to get out and move my body as much as I can, but to keep my mind healthy, not to look great in summer clothes. Clothes have always been a security blanket for me – I love layering, and I love creating a look that makes me feel powerful. I’m not the best in summer situations, as much as I summer clothing – I just end up opting for whatever makes me the least uncomfortable in the heat. Summer can’t be all about looking chic in oversized sunglasses and a linen suit – sometimes it’s a beaten up tea dress that flows off the limbs, and muddy Converse from exploring a little too hard… 

Summer is a better time than any to embrace all parts of yourself, and worry less about the way the world makes you feel like you have to look. I promise you that no one cares about those body hang ups more than you do. Good things happen when you learn to embrace what you have… 

I guess I just wanted to leave this here as a little reminder for anyone who might need it. Social media can often have us comparing our bodies as though they were designed to all look the same – to live the same lives. How utterly boring would that be? We are all unique, and that’s what makes life so interesting, never let yourself believe that you have to fit a certain mould in order to be the best version of yourself.

Forget about summer ready. Enjoy your body, enjoy your summer…


Alice x

Photographs by Adriana 

Dress – Sincerely Jules

Cardigan – Rouje

Shoes – Veja

Bag & Sunglasses – Rouje


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  1. I am in love with this silhouette & ten times more with the message behind it! This was so refreshing. I would say about 90% of styling I see this time of year is flashy & skin tight outfits, not always something I feel comfortable in. Thanks for sharing this message and spreading some light!

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Aww thank you! And I’m totally the same, I prefer flowy pieces that make me feel less out in the open ha xx

  2. Lucy Jane says:

    I adore this straw bag, really need to get one like it!
    Lucy Jane | Infinity of Fashion

  3. Summer Read says:

    This dress is so dreamy, the material and colour suit you beautifully!
    Couldn’t agree more with this, I truly dislike the term ‘summer body’, it can be incredibly damaging!


  4. Awww such a good read! Summer is too hot to be trying to look all nice in formfitting clothes… I suffer from the good ol’ chub rub and definitely prefer clothes that keep me cool and lightweight trousers to keep the rub at bay, eek!

    Camilla xx

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